Collective Forms in China: A Contemporary Review
New Architecture 180 (October 2018) – Special Issue | 新建筑
Guest edited by Sam Jacoby, Jingru (Cyan) Cheng | 程婧如 , Gangyi Tan | 谭刚毅

20世纪50至80年代,中国通过人民公社和单位制度对其人口实行强制性的集体化和工业化,其目的是 进行社会和空间重组,增强社会主义新中国的国力,实现中国的现代化。这两种“集体形制”与全面制度化 以及新的生产、治理模式相吻合,使社会和空间规模及组织方式上发生了根本性的变化,由此重新定义了工 人、农民、家庭和国家之间的关系。它为当今中国的城乡奠定了基础,其影响仍清晰可见。
将人民公社与单位看作中国集体化时期以来深刻改造中国社会的两种社会、政治、经济和空间模式的 中国集体形制研究,旨在探究其作为社会项目的构想及其所铸就的社会现实,以及这一被忽略的遗产在建 筑和城市设计话语中的意义与应用。同时,该研究不仅仅针对中国集体化时期的遗产,而且更广泛地关注 各种过去、现在、未来由集体主体性所塑造的社会空间形制,着眼于理解和分析这种形制背后为了实现共 同目标和利益而生成的共享规则和诉求。换句话说,集体形制是由特定人群及其具体的共享空间和活动来 定义的。因此,集体形制既是管理体系,也是社会模式、组织机制和空间形式,甚至也可包括经济与政治模型。
基于这样的理解,本期专栏力图涵盖对集体形制多重角度的解读与案例研究。开篇针对集体形制的两篇综述 (萨姆·雅各比、程婧如;谭刚毅) 之后,王德福从社会学的角度解释了集体的内涵、功能、形成、变迁与遗产,案例研究涉及苗族村寨 (汤诗旷)、人民公社 (程婧如)、工人新村 (梁智勇)、单位 (肖作鹏、刘天宝、柴彦威)、后单位时代城市社区(冯路、郑湘竹),以及对未来中国单元的设想 (王禹惟)。
尽管国内已对集体概念范畴内的单位、三线建设等进行了一定的研究,但“集体形制”这一中译概念则是由萨姆·雅各比和程婧如明确提出。他们发起并主持了2016与2017年在中国武汉举办的两届同主题工作坊 (由英国建筑联盟学院和中国华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院联合组织,并得到谭刚毅教授的鼎力支持)。中国集体形制的后续研究目前由英国国家学术院 (British Academy)支持,研究课题为《集体形制:中国街区转型、治理空间化和新型社 区》(Collective Forms: Neighbourhood Transformations, Spatialised Governmentality and New Communities in China)。本次专栏将为解读中国城乡形态提供一个独特的视角,也将思考空间形态的更多属性,甚或创造性地提出集体空间(collective space)概念,补公共-私密空间之缺或丰富其层级。研究将建立过去城乡社会单元与今日街区、社区的历史关联,或将唤醒关于某种集体的生活方式,甚至某种社会制度下的城乡形态的探索。

Sam Jacoby 程婧如 (Jingru Cyan Cheng) 谭刚毅 (Gangyi Tan)
Collective Forms in China: People’s Commune and Danwei
Sam Jacoby 程婧如 (Jingru Cyan Cheng)
Collective forms are simultaneously governmental forms, social forms, organisational forms, and spatial forms, but can also incorporate economic forms or political forms. From this perspective, urban and rural areas in socialist China were predominantly planned and managed as semi-autonomous collective forms. People’s Commune and Danwei are two exemplary cases among others. The research reviews their conception as social projects and the social realities they produced, while examining their often overlooked legacies for discourses in architecture and urban design. Through discussing the research methodology, cases of collective forms in the West, the historical context of China’s People’s Commune and Danwei, and two built cases in Wuhan, this paper argues that collective forms are not simply related to a historical period of collectivisation, but to past, present, and future forms shaped by collective subjectivities and the important underlying shared norms and demands to achieve common goals and benefits.
Retrospect of the Built Environment and Space Will in Chinese Collective Forms
谭刚毅 (Gangyi Tan)
Environment, space, form and meaning are the basic problems of architecture. This paper chooses the most characteristic urban and rural forms and settlements in the three decades after the founding of P.R. China as the research object, which include the Danwei, the People’s Communes and the factories and institutes of the Third Front Construction. It clearly declares that they are collective forms affected by the administrative will and built according to the fair principle and strict plan in the traditional socialist period. The paper discusses the built environment, space and their physical, political, economic and social properties. Although these collective forms are gradually gone, they are so important memories of the country and the times that they should be conserved as modern heritage. Collective forms exist at all times and all over the world, and they are therefore worth to be investigated through interdisciplinary integration.
Get Organized to Do Small Things: An Understanding of the Rural Collective System
王德福 (Defu Wang)
As a product of socialist practice, the“collective”has remade the social unit of rural China and deeply influenced the farmers’identification and behavioral logic. This article, from the collective’s connotation, function, formation, change, heritage, and so on, systematically discusses the sociological significance of the rural collective system, puts forward the understanding perspective of“Getting organized to do small things”, and reveals the key role of the collective in connecting the government with the peasants.
Ethnic Groups and Individuals: Collective Concept in the Public Space and Dwelling Unit of the Miao Ethnic Group
汤诗旷 (Shikuang Tang)
Based on a great deal of literature research and field investigations, this paper studies the influence mechanism of Miao’s collective life and collective consciousness on space from two levels of village public ritual fields and individual residential unit. The paper also discusses the collective activities and ceremonial venues, such as ancestor worship, marriage, ghost worship, and the space of fire pond as a basic unit, representing the hierarchy of drum clubs, clans and families, so as to prove that the residential space of the Miao ethnic group is closely adapted to the ethnic relations and the correspondence is hierarchized. Indoor and outdoor spaces are unified, and have regional, social and constant characteristics, which are supposed to be the embodiment of the collective will and national characteristics of the ethnic group eventually.
Spatial Design as Political Manifesto: The Design Proposals of China’s People’s Commune 1958-1960
程婧如 (Jingru Cyan Cheng)
中国集体化时期人民公社制度的推行对探索新的空间组织模式和社会空间图解提出了要求也提供了契机。论文重点关注1958到1960年间发表的人民公社海报与设计提案。这些设计提案从区域、居住地和家户三个层面力图将公社制度空间化,通过对日常生活实践的系统化设计,构建可对居住者进行主体性重构的物理空间——将传统乡村文化语境里的农民转变为集体化语境里的公社成员。同时力图削弱甚至取代乡村社会中的传统家庭观念与宗法制度, 从而合法化新的国家权威。因此,这些空间设计提案本身亦是人民公社运动的政治宣言。
China’s People’s Commune system implemented during the country’s collectivisation era put forward new demands as well as opportunities for exploring new organisation models and socio-spatial diagrams. This paper focuses on propaganda posters and spatial design proposals published between 1958 and 1960. The ultimate task of planning and designing People’s Communes was to spatialise the state institution at levels of territory, settlement and household, and to create the condition for habitation wherein the subjectivity of its inhabitants can be reconstructed-transforming peasants into members of the commune through the systematic arrangement of the practice of everyday life. These commune proposals were to significantly undermine the idea of family and patriarchal clan authority deeply rooted in the Chinese rural society in order to legitimise the new socialist regime. In this regards, the spatial design of the People’s Commune were themselves political manifesto of the commune movement.
Becoming A “Complete Man”: YMCA Pudong Workers’ Model Village and the Practice of “Model Village” in the Early 20th Century
梁智勇 (Calvin Ziyong Liang)
The“model village”emerged in the early 20th century China as a form of collective dwelling for the working class. This paper explores how contesting imaginations and narratives of the ideal life of workers shaped the practice of“model villages”, through the case of YMCA Pudong Workers’Model Village (Pudong Village) – one of the pioneering working class housing projects in the 1920s Shanghai. The“model village”was an attempt to adjust and stabilise labour relations under the existing capitalist economy through the improvement of housing and education for the working class. The author argues that the combination of healthy housing and the education of a“complete man”of the Pudong Village was a concerted effort of young Chinese professionals and philanthropists in response to accelerating capitalist urbanisation in China. A shared belief was that capitalist development could only benefit the majority when the working class was made morally economically competent to stand on their own feet; and this could be effectively achieved by the provision of well-designed dwellings incorporating complete educational programmes in their daily life.
Institutional Spatial Prototype of China’s Danwei System: An Exploratory Analysis
肖作鹏 (Zuopeng Xiao) 刘天宝 (Tianbao Liu) 柴彦威 (Yanwei Cai)
Danwei system is a crucial system that witnessed last six decades national construction and development. Due to this importance, Danwei system is the foremost important key for understanding China’s ongoing market transition. Nevertheless, there is no consensus on the institutional prototype of Danwei system among disciplines with respect to Danwei studies. Focusing on the practices that run social obligations and welfare, the institutional spatial prototype of Danwei system can be summarized as the organized provision of urban pubic goods. The theoretical and practical reasonability that supported this practice existed, run and spread in different contexts. Multiple cycles, namely, Danwei system and the outside socioeconomic system, inside production-life cycle, have been conceptually portrayed within each Danwei compound. This institutional practice of Danwei system during the last two-stages period is a process that this organized provision practice integrated and then decoupled with socialist construction, public ownership system and national totalism. In view of the new socioeconomic context, it is necessary to re-consider the legacy of Danwei system and its implications for ongoing society construction.
Hangyun New Village in the Age of Post-Collectivism
冯路 (Lu Feng) 郑湘竹 (Xiangzu Zheng)
Hangyun New Village, located in the Qingpu District of Shanghai, is a Workers’ Village built in the 1970s. This essay focuses on the historical transformation of Hangyun on the aspects of spatial environment, residents’identity and their everyday life. In the age of collectivism, Hangyun was built as a unit dormitory to improve workers’living condition, and also as a spatial projection of the mechanism of Danwei. After the disorganization of Hangyun’s Danwei, with its run-down living environment, Hangyun became a social problem. The essay discusses the reason, background and current situation of its problem, and the potential of improvement for the community.
Chinese Unit: The Infrastructure of the Next Generation
王禹惟 (Yuwei Wang)
Chinese society and city were structured relying on frameworks. From traditional courtyard house to Soviet work unit, frameworks shaped the idea of group and defined every individual within groups. However in today’s context, framework itself has lost the power to manipulate citizens’life. In the meantime, countless residential or working containers connected by huge scale infrastructures have dominated the city. To deal with the issues of urbanization, I propose a middle scale society in between of the concept of family and city, which could again define the population into groups. This strategy would not rely on frameworks anymore, but on the third Chinese unit — a serving urban point.